All Of Us Are One by Miguel Santos


In the image and likeness of God – and nothing less – were we created.  In the Christian tradition, we believe this to be our greatest inherent dignity as individuals, evenly shared among all human beings, indifferent of race, religion, or beliefs.  We are all one family – human and divine… all God’s children and all equally loved by our Father.

I am your brother.  Why do you see me or treat me differently?  Is it because God would have me born to a distant land where they speak a language not your own, where perhaps someone raised me under a different faith or possibly no faith at all?  Is it the color of my skin, or could it be the vastly dissimilar opportunities that you and I have had?  But wait, my mother’s heart beat just like that of yours when they first held us in their arms.  Their tears and prayers for you and me have made their way to heaven just the same.  We could have lived and played together in bliss before the breath of lies, hatred and injustice, and before any physical or ideological border divided us.  I am your brother.  I am here with open arms to mend our past, embrace our present, and build a better future - together.  I love you because we are family, one family – human and divine… and, by God’s providential grace, all of us are one.


  1. Miguel, this is awesome! You nailed it. Yes! We are one God's family, human and divine! Is that not awesome! Thank you!

  2. Yes, you are my brother! I am blessed because of that relationship. This reflection is beautiful and filled with the natural grace of such a depth of understanding of the one human family. Thank you!


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