Thoughts on Faith as Protest Sr. Ann Hayden, MM – July 10, 2020 FAITH is a journey of learning how God’s active presence touches our everyday communal lives. It is the energy that opens our hearts to listen for God’s sustaining love in the people among whom we live, their traditions, and in the events of life we encounter in solidarity. Living our faith is the daily effort to connect the mysteries and wonders of this life to God’s deep relationship of care with, for and among us all. God sees there is MUCH NEED for us to cry out for and with the poor, the immigrant, the trafficked, the sick, and the marginalized of our world. There is much in our society that we need to protest against and transform. When we hear the call to participate more deeply in this God/Human/Spirit Relationship as a communal quest, then our faith becomes a labor of love and wisdom expressing itself within our life experiences. Protest, and the work for policy ch...
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