Speaking Truth to Power by Sr. Fatima Santiago

We speak truth to power by our lives, not only in words but also in actions. Think of: +Franz Jagerstatter, a German, who refused to serve in Hitler’s army and paid for this with his life. +Moses who was reluctant to carry God’s message to mighty Pharaoh: “Let my people go!” After Moses had moved from the life of nobility to that of a shepherd, he had hesitated before God’s charge by protesting, “But who am I?” And God had reassured him, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3: 11-12) It is not only what you say, but how you say it! Think of Jesus’ multiple interrogations by Pilate and the Sanhedrin about His being a king, the Messiah. He turned their words back on them: “It is you who say I am a king.” (John 18:37) Yes, the world’s powerful do have power, and we are really powerless in their sight. But organized people have power and dignity as well and can stand on it! Think of Gandhi in the face of British occupiers. They frequently impriso...