Both Mystic and Prophet by Sr. Gloria Haider

In his Daily Meditation of November 30, 2019,
Episcopal priest Matthew Fox says, “To be a spiritual adult is to be both
mystic (lover) and prophet (one who speaks out about injustice).”1
Being both mystic and prophet is something I have been reflecting on in
the past few months. To be both mystic and prophet can be a
challenge. I must admit that most of my
life I have concentrated more on being a lover than speaking out. But, in our current world situation, I feel
that no matter what religion we profess, we must speak out against injustice.
As people of various faith traditions, what can we
speak out against? Below are four areas
where I believe we can make our voices heard.
Speak out against the senseless killing of human beings by guns. Semi-automatic assault weapons are a class of firearms designed for war. Could we at least ban this type of rifle?
Speak out against this slavery of human beings.“It’s estimated that internationally there are between 20
million and 40 million people in modern slavery today. Assessing the full scope
of human trafficking is difficult because cases so often go undetected,
something the United Nations refers to as ‘the hidden figure of crime.’”2
Pornography: Speak out against printed and visual
pornographic material.
Immigration: Speak out against the unwelcoming treatment
of immigrants in our country whether they have come to the U.S. because of
violence or for a better life. Also,
speak out against the current U.S. policy of keeping immigrants in Mexico
because the policy is both immoral and illegal.
Our government is now ignoring our sisters and brothers at our
doorstep. I have been to Matamoros,
Mexico across from Brownsville, Texas where over 1,000 immigrants are living in
tents with very poor sanitation, waiting for their court date to ask for
asylum. What I have seen with my own
eyes has broken my heart.
I am writing this during the season of Advent in the
Christian faith. The reading from the
First Sunday of Advent from Romans speaks about waking from sleep and putting on
light. “Brothers and sisters: You know the time; it is the hour now for you
to awake from sleep. For our salvation
is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at
hand. Let us then throw off the works of
darkness and put on the armor of light.”3 What has broken your heart that has helped
you wake from your sleep? How can you be
a prophetic witness to the light by speaking out against the immorality in our
country and seeking truth and hope?
1Daily Meditations
with Matthew Fox, “Praying the News—The Ultimate in Mature Spirituality?”,
November 30, 2019. “11 Facts About Human Trafficking.”
Thank you, Gloria, for reminding us of the importance to "awake from our slumber", and to "put on the armor of light" in order to take action on the difficult issues of our day that include human trafficking, gun violence, immigration and the abuse of the internet that entraps the vulnerable around the world. We must risk our hearts being broken in a way that will let our brothers and sisters into our lives for their sakes and ours.