Gratefulness: A Window of Light in the Darkness by Sr. Ann Hayden

Gratefulness: A Window of Light in the Darkness Thanksgiving and Advent Reflection 2019 by Ann Hayden, MM Window of Light It was a time of religious upheaval and When the angry, ugly mob withdrew Crystal beauty lay in a shattered heap on the floor In calm of darkest night, the pieces were collected in courage In love, they were washed of anger, and sorted one by one In patience, they were prayerfully placed for sacred purpose Shattered shards were transformed into window to let in the light To shine in glorious colors of hope for the courageous; To glow as soft colors of peace for the patient; To shine like a healing wash over the broken, over the damaged, and even over the ugly mob. There is so much to be grateful for in life these days. The approach of Thanksgiving Day here in the Rio Grande Valley has called forth efforts for inter-religious prayer services and dialogue sessions; and has inspired the efforts of community organizations, faith congr...