
Showing posts from October, 2019

What's it all about? by Lois Eichman

LIVING A MORAL LIFE IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLD  by Lois Eichman, AFU member Rabbi Jonathan Sacks writes on his website article, Morality matters more than ever in a world divided by fear and faithlessness , “One of the lasting unintended consequences of multiculturalism is that we no longer think of the nation as a whole. Instead the electorate has been fragmented into a series of subcultures, defined by ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation. These can easily become competitive interest groups, less concerned with the common good than for what is good for those-like-me. Each group can be encouraged by the mood of our time, to see itself as a victim and to identify an oppressor who can be blamed for their current predicament. This gives rise to divisive and rancorous politics that divide society, like the dualisms of old, into the children of light and the children of darkness. It also produces a justification for the use of social media to manipulate public opinio...